The Laser Micromachining Facility at Macquarie University provides expertise in the fabrication of a broad range of micro-features and micro-components. The lasers which make up the facility cover the ultraviolet, visible and infrared wavelengths and are suitable for processing the majority of metals, ceramics, polymers, glasses, and crystalline materials.
With over a decade of experience we have developed many unique capabilities and processes tailored to our customers’ requirements. Our facilities and skilled operators can routinely produce feature resolutions down to 10 microns in metals and 5 micron in some crystalline materials with high repeatability and precision.
The Laser Micromachining Facility at Macquarie University specialises in tailoring fabrication parameters to individual processing problems with a view to both rapid prototyping and establishing long term manufacturing solutions.
The key services on offer are:
- Laser micromachining & processing (Picosecond & Nanosecond Laser Systems)